How Soon Can You Resume Exercise After BBL Surgery?

woman sitting on her bottom

Once you make the decision to have cosmetic surgery, you will probably start imagining your potential results almost immediately. Picturing your stunning future figure and thinking about all of the new clothes you’ll be able to wear can certainly be exciting. As your procedure approaches, however, you may also begin thinking about your recovery timeline, including how long you may need to take off work and restrict your physical activity. This can vary from case to case, particularly depending on which procedure you had performed. When it comes to one of the most popular procedures today, the Brazilian butt lift, it is critical that patients follow postoperative instructions carefully in order to ensure a successful recovery and beautiful, long-lasting results.

Double board-certified and fellowship-trained plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Tamburrino and the expert team at Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa are committed to helping Doylestown, PA Brazilian butt lift patients enjoy a comfortable and speedy recovery and return to their favorite activities, including exercise, as soon as it is possible to safely do so.

What does Brazilian butt lift do?

Commonly referred to as BBL, the Brazilian butt lift is not actually true lift procedure. Traditionally, lifts – such as breast lift or arm lift – involve the removal of excess skin to create a tighter, smoother contour. BBL, on the other hand, is designed to help patients achieve a curvier backside through an innovative fat transfer technique. Rather than physically lifting the buttocks, BBL augments the butt and sculpts a more appealing contour and overall shape.

Who needs a Brazilian butt lift?

Both men and women can benefit from Brazilian butt lift surgery in Doylestown, PA, particularly if they have been unable to achieve their ideal results through consistent diet and exercise alone. Even the fittest and most dedicated patients often struggle to attain the curvy, plump butt that is popular among Hollywood celebrities today. Some of the most common factors that may prevent you from seeing your desired results include:

  • Genetics
  • Age
  • Weight fluctuation

If you are frustrated by a lack of results despite a consistent diet and exercise routine, Brazilian butt lift surgery may be right for you.

How does BBL work?

During BBL surgery, which is a two-part procedure performed while the patient is under general anesthesia, patients will first undergo liposuction. Dr. Tamburrino will carefully harvest fat from a predetermined location, depending on where the patient has enough excess fat available. The extracted fat will then be purified in a specialized centrifuge machine before being prepared in syringes. Finally, Dr. Tamburrino will strategically inject the purified fat into the patient’s buttocks in precise layers, sculpting and adjusting between each injection to ensure a stunning result. In many cases, the trimmer contour created by liposuction further accentuates the results of BBL, particularly if fat is removed from the hips, thighs, abdomen, or flanks.

How long is BBL recovery?

BBL patients should keep in mind that they will have two treatment sites that need to heal: the area where liposuction was performed and the buttocks itself. Immediately following Brazilian butt lift surgery, patients will experience some level of discomfort, bruising, and swelling. Compression garments will need to be worn in the area of liposuction for several weeks to promote proper healing and reduce swelling.

Arguably, the most essential part of BBL recovery is ensuring the newly transferred fat cells establish a blood supply and survive in the long term. While a small percentage of fat cells will die, this is expected and something Dr. Tamburrino accounts for when deciding how much fat to transfer. To give the fat cells their best possible chance for survival, patients should avoid any activity which applies direct pressure to their butt, including sitting, driving, or lying down on their back. However, light walking is encouraged to promote healthy circulation and prevent post-surgical complications. When sitting because absolutely necessary, Dr. Tamburrino will likely recommend that patients use a donut-shaped pillow or nursing pillow to allow them to sit without direct pressure on their butt.

Patients typically take about 2 – 3 weeks off work after BBL, though a modified sitting position will still be required when they return. Once the swelling after BBL resolves, which can take 6 – 8 weeks, patients will begin to see their gorgeous new figure, though final results may take up to six months to fully develop.

When can I work out again after the Brazilian butt lift?

As with any surgery, patients should allow their bodies plenty of time to rest, recover, and heal after a Brazilian butt lift. Although it can be tempting to resume your regular exercise routine once you start feeling a little bit more like yourself again, working out too soon after BBL can severely compromise your results and prevent the transferred fat from surviving. Furthermore, significant weight loss (or gain) can also impact the outcome of a BBL. Most patients are able to resume light, low-impact exercise about 4 – 6 weeks after BBL, while more strenuous physical activities should be restricted for up to 2 – 3 months, or until cleared by your surgeon.

To ensure your BBL recovery is as safe, speedy, comfortable, and successful as possible, follow these tips:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid placing any pressure on your buttocks
  • Take prescribed medications
  • Attend all follow-up appointments
  • Wear compression garments at the site of liposuction
  • Avoid exercise, but DO engage in light, brief walking to encourage proper circulation
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Don’t rush your recovery

Get the sexy curves you’ve always wanted with a Brazilian butt lift in Doylestown, PA

If you are frustrated by the lack of results you’re seeing in the gym and are searching for an effective, reliable, and long-lasting solution to get the curvaceous figure you’ve always wanted, BBL surgery may be right for you. Call the knowledgeable team at Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa to schedule your private consultation with double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Tamburrino today, and discover how Brazilian butt lift in Doylestown, PA can get you looking gorgeous, feeling confident, and back to your normal routines sooner than you think!

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.