What Light Exercises Can I do After Breast Augmentation Surgery?

woman in exercise clothes

Breast augmentation surgeries have come a long way over the last few decades, and patients have more options for enhancing their curves.

If you're unhappy with the size, shape, symmetry, or appearance of your breasts, double board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Tamburrino can guide you through your options for breast enhancement surgery.

If you've decided to get breast augmentation, chances are you're attentive to your body image and may be wondering about the downtime after surgery. Keep reading to find out when you can get back to your workout following a breast augmentation at Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Doylestown, PA.

How does breast augmentation work?

The first step for patients seeking breast augmentation surgery is to speak with Dr. Tamburrino about your aesthetic concerns regarding your breasts and get more information about the ideal options for you and what you can expect.

Many women choose breast implants to increase the size of their breasts and reduce any asymmetries between breasts. There are also ways to change the shape of your breasts and lift and rejuvenate them after weight loss, nursing, or simply aging.

Implant placement at Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Doylestown, PA is an outpatient procedure, but patients are put under general anesthesia. The surgery requires an incision in the breast to insert the implant into the ideal position. Dr. Tamburrino's scarless transaxillary (armpit) approach to breast augmentation is designed to ensure that incisions are small and any scars are well-hidden.

What's recovery like after a breast augmentation?

Almost immediately after surgery, you will be monitored by our team to ensure you're doing well and there are no immediate complications. You will be released the same day and given a medical sports bra to wear (even to sleep) to control swelling.

It will likely take a few days for your breasts to feel normal again and settle into their new positions. During this time, it's essential to rest and limit activity to walking and performing only chores that don't require much strain on your muscles.

When can I start light exercises after my breast surgery?

In the 2 – 3 weeks following breast enhancement, you will need to limit yourself to light exercise like walking, using a stationary bike, or stretching the lower body. Lifting weights (particularly if you've had implants placed below your pectoral muscles) need to wait and can lead to poor aesthetic outcomes that may require further surgery to fix.

Dr. Tamburrino will encourage you to get your blood flowing with light activities until roughly 3 – 5 weeks after your surgery. Each patient gets personalized aftercare advice and can ask questions about their unique workout routine and when to resume it.

When can I resume my regular workout routine after surgery for breast augmentation?

It's best to plan for a 6-week break from any strenuous workouts after breast augmentation so you can heal properly and allow the implant to settle.

Depending on the size of your breasts, you may find that activities such as rigorous cardio classes (such as Zumba) or running lead to pain in the breasts or back. It will be crucial to find a supportive bra as you resume your full workout so you can get the breast support you need and prevent sagging.

Get breast augmentation surgery in Doylestown, PA

You don't have to give up your fitness just because you have surgery, but it's crucial to ease back into your routine after a breast augmentation. That's what will keep you looking your best in the long run.

If you live near Montgomery County, Bucks County, or Philadelphia, and want to learn more about what options can enhance your breasts, contact Tamburrino Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Doylestown, PA to schedule a consultation with Dr. Joseph Tamburrino.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.